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Saturday, August 1, 2020

Avidemux on raspberry pi

Do this:

1.) You need this package:
sudo dpkg -i libfaac0_1.29.9.2-2_armhf.deb
2.) And this:
apt-get install libglu1-mesa
3.) Now, thanks to this guy on (last post, first page), download the 2.7.5 ARMEL file from:
4.) Use "7z e" to extract the file.
5.) Use the following command inside the dir with all the extracted packages to install avidemux:
sudo dpkg -i ./*
6.) Now you should be done, to start run from bash/cli:

Compressed Raspberry Pi ISO from Linux

Doing this clears up "empty" space on the drive so the iso get's properly compressed:

1.) Clear up Raspberry with temp file:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/zero1.tmp bs=1048576
2.) Delete tmp file:
rm -f /tmp/zero1.tmp
3.) Take SD card to another computer and create a compressed iso:
sudo dd bs=4M if=/dev/ | pv | xz > Pi.img.xz

Example: Currently have a 64GB iso compressed to 1,2GB. Actual drive usage of the 64GB iso is 3,6GB.

Thanks to: