1.) Native Spotify player for Linux (requires Unlimited or Premium)
Create spotify-control containing this (credits go to this allenap):
#!/usr/bin/env python import dbus import sys if __name__ == '__main__': session = dbus.SessionBus.get_session() spotify = session.get_object( "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotify", "/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2") for command in sys.argv[1:]: getattr(spotify, command)()
chmod 755 spotify-control
Next, put the file into i.e. /usr/bin/
Now you got a cmd way of controling your spotify player.. spotify-control Previous, spotify-control Next and spotify-control PlayPause...
If you are using fluxbox as I am, add the following to your ~/.fluxbox/keys
# Spotify
Mod4 Right :Exec $(spotify-control Next)
Mod4 Left :Exec $(spotify-control Previous)
Mod4 space :Exec $(spotify-control PlayPause)
Save, "reconfigure" (or restart fluxbox), and you are done..
Now you can use your windows button + Right/Left for Next/Previous or Space to pause :)
2.) If you are using spotify via wine..
This way is a bit more "unslick" and nasty.. But it works..
You do it the same way, except you use the following script located here..
sry, what does: 'Create spotify-control containing this' mean? Do I make a file called spotify-control.py? I'm a total n00b at python..or linux in general..
Sebatian: Just create a file called "spotify-control", which should contain the text above...
ReplyDeleteThen su, to get superuser privileges, and chmod 755 spotify-control, to make it runable by anyone...
Thanks, works!